Kyrgyz Ambassador Reassures Safety for Returning Pakistani Students Amid Bishkek Unrest

ISLAMABAD: The Ambassador of Kyrgyzstan to Pakistan, Ulan Baig, has assured that the situation in Bishkek is now under complete control, allowing Pakistani students to safely return to Kyrgyzstan. This statement comes after recent unrest in the Kyrgyz capital, which had caused concern among foreign students and their families.

Incident Overview

Speaking to the media in Islamabad, Ambassador Ulan Baig provided a detailed account of the events leading to the unrest. On the evening of May 13, a brawl broke out between local and foreign students in a hostel in Bishkek. The altercation led to the immediate involvement of local law enforcement, with all individuals involved being taken to the police station.

Escalation and Viral Video

The situation escalated on May 17 when a video of the fight and the injured Kyrgyz citizens was widely circulated on social media. The video sparked outrage among the local population, culminating in a large gathering on the night of May 18, where protesters demanded justice for the Kyrgyz citizens involved in the incident.

Government Response

Ambassador Ulan Baig emphasized that there were no serious injuries resulting from the fight and urged media outlets to avoid spreading unverified information. He noted that the President of Kyrgyzstan had swiftly responded to the unrest by receiving a briefing from law enforcement agencies and calling for immediate punishment for those involved.

In response to the unrest, significant changes were made within the police force. The Chief of the Directorate of Internal Affairs in Bishkek and nine other officers were removed from their positions as part of efforts to restore order and confidence in the authorities.

Reassurances and Diplomatic Engagement

The Kyrgyz government has actively engaged with the Pakistani government throughout the crisis. Ambassador Ulan Baig confirmed that the Kyrgyz foreign minister had met with Pakistan’s foreign minister, Ishaq Dar, to discuss the situation and ensure the safety of Pakistani students. The Kyrgyz authorities have also invited a representative from Pakistan to further address any concerns.

Current Situation and Future Prospects

With the situation in Bishkek now stabilized, Ambassador Ulan Baig reassured that Pakistani students can safely return to Kyrgyzstan. He highlighted the renowned hospitality of the Kyrgyz people and encouraged students not to fear returning. He expressed optimism about the continued cooperation between Pakistan and Kyrgyzstan, emphasizing the many commonalities between the two nations and their shared commitment to regional prosperity.

Detailed Account of the Events

From May 13 to 18, Bishkek experienced a period of tension and unrest. The initial fight on May 13 at the Bodiuni hostel involved local and foreign students, leading to the detention of three foreigners. This incident, while initially contained, gained widespread attention when a video went viral on May 17. Local residents, particularly in the Choi Kermanjan Dutka area, protested against the involvement of foreigners and demanded action.

The head of the Bishkek City Internal Affairs Directorate attempted to calm the situation and end the demonstrations. Although the detained foreigners issued an apology, the protesters were initially unwilling to disperse, leading to further detentions for public order violations. However, the authorities eventually managed to disperse the protesters and restore order.

Return of Pakistani Students

In light of the restored calm, Pakistani students are now allowed to return to Kyrgyzstan. The Kyrgyz government has taken measures to ensure their safety and address any lingering concerns. The prompt response from both Kyrgyz and Pakistani officials underscores the importance of maintaining strong diplomatic relations and ensuring the well-being of all students.

The events in Bishkek from May 13 to 18 serve as a reminder of the challenges that can arise in multicultural environments. However, the swift actions taken by the Kyrgyz government and the reassurances provided by Ambassador Ulan Baig highlight the commitment to safety and cooperation. As Pakistani students prepare to return to Kyrgyzstan, they can do so with the confidence that both nations are working together to ensure their security and foster a welcoming environment. The continued collaboration between Pakistan and Kyrgyzstan promises to contribute to the prosperity and stability of the region.