PTI Leader Sher Afzal Marwat Exposes Internal Disputes Over Public Accounts Committee Nomination

In a startling revelation, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader Sher Afzal Marwat has shed light on internal disputes within the party regarding the nomination of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) chairman. Marwat disclosed that some PTI leaders had misrepresented facts to the party’s founder, resulting in a misunderstanding regarding the nomination process.

Speaking to Geo News, Marwat revealed that a week ago, he and fellow party members met with the PTI founder to discuss the issue. During this meeting, certain PTI leaders attempted to convince the founder that the speaker was unwilling to accept Marwat’s nomination as the PAC chairman. As a result, they urged the founder to consider naming an alternative candidate for the position.

However, Marwat asserted that these claims were unfounded, and the PTI leaders had manipulated the situation to suit their own agendas. He emphasized that it is customary for the opposition to nominate the PAC chairman, and if his nomination was not accepted by the speaker, the opposition would boycott the committee altogether.

Marwat further claimed that the PTI founder saw through these deceptive tactics employed by certain party members. He expressed gratitude for the founder’s unwavering support and confidence in him, despite attempts by some within the party to undermine his nomination.

The PTI leader condemned the actions of these individuals, stating that they were only diminishing their own credibility and stature within the party. He reiterated that the PTI founder had personally endorsed his candidacy for the PAC chairman, and any attempts to pressure him into changing the nomination were unjustified.

Marwat also revealed that such internal pressures and disputes were not uncommon within the PTI. He lamented that certain decisions within the party were being influenced by undue pressure from influential members, leading to discord and disunity.

Despite these challenges, Marwat remained steadfast in his commitment to fulfilling his duties as a PTI leader. He affirmed that the nomination process for the PAC chairman was conducted transparently and in accordance with parliamentary norms. Additionally, he clarified that the speaker of the National Assembly had no objections to his nomination, dispelling any doubts raised by certain party members.

Sher Afzal Marwat’s revelations shed light on the internal dynamics and power struggles within the PTI. His candid remarks underscore the importance of transparency, integrity, and unity within political parties to effectively serve the interests of the people.