Renowned Pakistani actor Kinza Hashmi set the internet abuzz with her recent video, captivating fans with her stunning appearance in a purple dress. Known for her exceptional acting prowess, Hashmi has earned acclaim for her ability to portray depth and complexity in her roles.
Taking to Instagram, the Ishq Tamasha star shared a video of herself adorned in a captivating purple outfit, accompanied by the timeless Bollywood song “Chand Sifarish” from the 2006 film. Hashmi exuded elegance and style in her latest look, garnering admiration from her dedicated fan base.
The comments section overflowed with expressions of love and support from fans, who showered Hashmi with heartfelt emoticons. With over 9.1 million followers on Instagram, Hashmi continues to captivate audiences with her charm and talent.
In addition to her acting prowess, Hashmi was recently honored with a UAE golden visa, further solidifying her status as a prominent figure in the entertainment industry.