Chief Justice of Peshawar High Court Reflects on Judicial Independence and Fairness in Full Court Reference Ceremony

Chief Justice Mohammad Ibrahim Khan of the Peshawar High Court recently addressed a full court reference ceremony, shedding light on his tenure and the challenges he faced as a judge. Speaking candidly, he emphasized the importance of upholding the rule of law and ensuring justice for all, despite facing criticism and political pressure.

During his address, Chief Justice Mohammad Ibrahim Khan highlighted the significant role of the judiciary in dispensing justice and upholding the principles of fairness and equity. Over his 31-year career, he delivered approximately 15,000 judgments, with 509 of them being challenged in the Supreme Court. Notably, 279 of these judgments were upheld by the apex court, underscoring the soundness and legality of his decisions.

Despite his steadfast commitment to upholding the law, Chief Justice Mohammad Ibrahim Khan lamented the politicization of judicial decisions and the personal attacks he faced due to his perceived association with a political party. He emphasized that his decisions were made in accordance with the constitution and the law, without any bias or external influence. However, he acknowledged that some political parties criticized his rulings, resulting in personal repercussions for him.

Addressing concerns about fairness and accountability, Chief Justice Mohammad Ibrahim Khan reassured that individuals dissatisfied with judicial outcomes have the right to seek recourse through the legal system. He affirmed his commitment to ensuring justice for all parties involved and stressed the importance of judicial independence in upholding the rule of law.

Looking ahead, Chief Justice Mohammad Ibrahim Khan expressed confidence in the judiciary’s continued adherence to constitutional principles and legal norms. He extended his best wishes to Justice Ishtiaq Ibrahim, the nominated Chief Justice of the Peshawar High Court, expressing optimism about the court’s ability to uphold justice and fairness under his leadership.

Chief Justice Mohammad Ibrahim Khan’s remarks underscore the critical role of an impartial judiciary in safeguarding the rights and liberties of citizens. Despite facing challenges and criticism, he remained steadfast in his commitment to upholding the rule of law and ensuring justice for all. His reflections serve as a reminder of the judiciary’s vital role in promoting accountability, transparency, and fairness in society.