JUI-F Leader Rashid Soomro Denounces 2024 Elections, Calls for Action Against Lawlessness in Sindh

Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam F (JUI-F) leader Rashid Soomro has declared the party’s non-recognition of both the 2018 and 2024 elections, asserting that decisions will now be made through direct action in the field. Speaking to the media in Sajawal, Soomro reiterated the party’s stance on the electoral process while also addressing concerns regarding law and order in Sindh.

Soomro emphasized that JUI-F had previously stated its refusal to acknowledge the legitimacy of the 2018 elections, and this stance persists with regard to the 2024 elections. He indicated that the party intends to shift its focus towards grassroots activism and direct engagement with the populace to effect change.

Citing rampant lawlessness in Sindh, Soomro criticized the provincial government’s handling of security issues, particularly in rural areas where criminal elements reportedly operate with impunity. He accused the Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) of providing patronage to criminal gangs involved in theft of raw materials and other illicit activities.

Expressing incredulity at the Chief Minister’s acknowledgment of deteriorating law and order, Soomro questioned the sincerity of such remarks, highlighting the glaring disconnect between official rhetoric and ground realities. He drew attention to the prevalence of well-armed criminal groups in rural regions, alleging complicity between these elements and elected representatives affiliated with the PPP.

Soomro pointed to the presence of sophisticated weaponry among criminal gangs operating in rural areas, suggesting collusion between these groups and political entities. He noted that the PPP’s electoral success in regions like Kachcha, despite the pervasive influence of criminal syndicates, raises suspicions regarding the party’s ties to illicit networks.

In light of these concerns, Soomro called for decisive action to address lawlessness and restore order in Sindh. He emphasized the need for concerted efforts to dismantle criminal networks and hold accountable those who provide them with political cover. Rejecting the legitimacy of electoral processes tainted by alleged irregularities and corruption, JUI-F underlines its commitment to pursuing alternative avenues for political change and social justice.