No statement option for president, resign, PDM


Amidst the controversy surrounding the statements made by President Arif Alvi on the Army Act and Official Secrets Act, political leaders and representatives have strongly demanded his resignation. Leaders from the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP), Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N), and other parties have expressed their reactions to the president’s remarks.

Sherry Rehman of the PPP remarked that the president has no option but to resign from his position if he disagrees with his responsibilities. She questioned whether someone else is signing beneath his nose. PML-N leader Irfan Siddiqui questioned why the president remained silent for two days on the issue. He was critical of the president’s inability to effectively handle office duties.

President Alvi’s tweets led Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) to decide to approach the court. The PTI reaffirmed its strong support for the president’s stance on critical legislative measures. They emphasized the need for the president to take serious action to validate crucial legal ordinances.

Various political figures demanded President Alvi’s resignation due to the strong reactions generated by his statements on the Army Act and Official Secrets Act. The leaders of PML-N, PPP, and Jamaat-e-Islami asserted that President Alvi remained silent for two days, raising questions about his suitability for the office. They challenged the president to clarify his stance.

Mushahidullah Khan from PML-N criticized President Alvi for potentially allowing others to sign beneath his nose. He called for the president to step down immediately if his staff is not following his directives. Sherry Rehman further questioned why the president remained silent even after news reports emerged.

Former Finance Minister Ishaq Dar mentioned that President Alvi’s explanation for his statements reflects poorly on his ability to hold the presidential office. He urged the president to resign if his staff doesn’t comply with his directives.

Senator Mushtaq Ahmed from Jamaat-e-Islami stated that the president’s statement is an insult to the nation, parliament, and legislation. He implied that the president’s explanations seemed feeble and inadequate. He urged President Alvi to openly communicate about the matter.

In this atmosphere of controversy and criticism, President Alvi’s position has been called into question by various political leaders, casting doubt on his suitability to remain in office. Senator Mushtaq Ahmed from Jamaat-e-Islami suggested that if the president has no credibility left, resigning is the dignified path.